Our new babies

Over the last week we have been able to offer cosy and comfy homes to some lambs and calves. We have adopted 6 orphan lambs to keep our baby calves company. Of course we have had to name them all since they all have emerging and very individual temperaments. The Calves are, Teddy, Sid and […]
Lots to do ………despite the weather!

The weather hasn’t been great, but hey! loads of things to do by the sea, regardless, and only a mile from Graston Farm Cottages!
Its all yellow at Graston Farm!

Graston Farm Cottages have all been occupied over Easter, with lovely families braving what has been very poor weather. The daffodils are out all around the farm, making the place look thoroughly springlike. Friday was our best day – weather wise, with bright, warm sunshine all day. Some of our guests took advantage of this […]
Eastertide at Graston Farm

With a full house at Eastertide, Graston Farm Cottages are buzzing. There are visitors in the camping paddock also, and some new residents have joined us! We have three new calves in the calf house. Two new girls and a new boy on the block! They have been here since Easter Saturday and have settled […]
Whoosh! There goes my hat!

Amazing, spectacular, exhilarating, dramatic, all words that apply to the weather today in West Dorset – and a lot of the rest of the country too I think. I took a walk to get some photographs of the sea at the Hive beach, and could not actually stand up for long enough to get really […]
Piles of Stones!

Although the weather today is pretty dreadful we have had some really beautiful sunny days, cold and crisp and just right for a walk on the beach with Cassie. Last weeks guests were really quite fortunate, given that they really liked walking, and got to cover many areas along the coastal path. On beach walks […]
Cassie’s Christmas!

What Cassie got up to at Christmas!
No Boxing Day swim … I wonder why?

It has become something of a tradition in our family that I take to the sea on Boxing day – for charity. Usually organised by the Bridport Round Table upwards of 100 people take to the sea in every imaginable fancy dress, watched by an eager crowd, pleased to be out in the fresh air […]
Christmas comes to Graston Farm!

One night last week, Andrew was missing for quite a while, and whilst I knew he was on the farm somewhere, I was curious to know quite what he was up to. I was busily baking in the kitchen and forgot about him for a while, then went in search ………. What did I find? […]
Hopscotch now even more accessible for wheelchairs!

We had some really good friends over recently, and since the wife of the couple was in a wheelchair at the time, we asked if she minded ‘trying out’ our wheelchair access cottage, for ease of use. Well it was a good move, since she found all aspects of the cottage easy to use with […]