How to find us

Our address is Graston Farm, Burton Bradsock, Bridport, Dorset DT6 4NG

Our telephone number is 01308 897603.  The nearest train station is Dorchester (from London, Southeast and Southwest), or Maiden Newton (from Bristol and North).

The bus route that comes closest is the X53, going from Exeter to Poole. It stops one mile from the farm outside the Anchor pub (which is good place to sit, have a drink and wait for us to pick you up, if you don’t fancy walking.

Reliable local taxi numbers are: Craig on 01308 861000 or Pat 01308 424718

Driving Directions

Whichever direction you are coming from, it is simplest to first drive to Bridport on the A35 (see specific directions to Bridport from N, E and W below).

Turn off the A35 at Bridport at the Crown Inn roundabout, following the B3157 coast road from Bridport to Burton Bradstock.

Carry on through the village past the garage and then take the first turn left signed Litton Cheney.

After one mile take the next left and the next left again after 250 metres.

Graston Farm entrance is another 200 metres on the left.  Proceed down the drive and over the speed bump where the direction sign to all the cottages is on the left hand verge. Parking is in front of the respective cottages.


Take the M5 exit 25 towards Ilminster, then to Chard and finally to Axminster where you will join the A35 signed towards Dorchester.

When you get to Bridport take the third exit on the Crown Inn roundabout onto the B3157 (signed to Burton Bradstock), then follow the above directions to Burton Bradstock and on to Graston Farm.


Head to Dorchester on the A35, around the town on the by-pass keeping on the A35 all the way to Bridport and onto the by-pass until you come to the Crown Inn roundabout.

Take the first exit onto the B3157 (signed Burton Bradstock), then follow the above directions to Burton Bradstock and on to Graston Farm.


From Exeter take the A30 to Honiton.

From the by-pass take the turn for Dorchester and onto the A35.

Keep on the A35 all the way to Bridport and then take the third exit on the Crown Inn roundabout onto the B3157 (signed to Burton Bradstock), then follow the above directions to Burton Bradstock and on to Graston Farm.

It is generally safer to follow these directions than your ‘sat nav’ which from experience can be unreliable.

Click on the map below to find out how to get here from wherever you are in the world, and roughly how long it will take.



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