Barn cottage is undergoing a major make-over and progress is being made with a new bathroom, kitchen and downstairs shower room. Everywhere has been painted and we have new carpets and wooden floors throughout. The new wood burning stove is installed and we provide a complimentary basket of logs – hopefully the weather will mean you don’t need them!
We discovered an old well underneath the foundations in the front garden, which we have tidied up and which provides a point of interest in front of the new sitting room door.
But best of all – the garden is looking so beautiful at present. The lilac bush is in full flower and many of the mature shrubs are starting to look ready to bloom. The garden in Barn cottage is at the front of the plot, however, it is beautifully secluded and private.
Our first visitors following the make-over come in early June – we can’t wait

We also have some new little lambs – just arrived and pictured here with the bit of the farmer’s thumb. They are smashing little chaps, and are taking their milk more easily every day. Together with their 4 big sisters and the four calves there is plenty of feeding to be done – which guests can watch at least twice a day.

5 new little lambs! (Sorry about my finger!)
So all in all plenty to do at Graston Farm, and Barn Cottage is rapidly getting ready for guests soon!