Autumn Nights

Autumn Nights

One of the great compensations for the shorter days is the splendid sunset show we see from Graston Farm. From around 4pm the colour in the western sky is growing into a stunning sunset sky by 5.30-6pm. All our cottages french windows face the west, and so everyone gets the benefit ……….and of course all year round we are treated to beautiful Dorset views.

We welcome guests all year at Graston Farm Cottages, and currently our guests have been experiencing the full gamut of weather experiences. Incredibly warm for November, but also some stormy days and nights too. That’s when our cosy wood-burning stoves come into their own. A perfect excuse to snuggle down by the fire with a glass of wine and enjoy the comfort the cottages afford.

Meanwhile we approach Christmas – and all our staff are booked into our brilliant local for our annual seasonal celebration. Traditionally close to Christmas, (just before our guests arrive), the housekeepers refresh the cottages and decorate them with Christmas trees and other treats. Then we all gather at the pub for a great lunch and gift giving.

Andrew also risks life and limb to put Christmas lights all around – including a Christmas tree by the caravan paddock. Yes! Lots of people like to spend Christmas in the paddock at Graston Farm.

We wish all our guests a happy and peaceful Christmas and a prosperous new year.

Chrissie, Andrew and Piglet Bailey