We were very pleased to accommodate the Nene Trekkers for a long weekend recently. These guys really put in some serious miles whilst they were with us, and were great company and good to have around. They took Courtyard and Cobbles cottages, meaning that through the interconnecting door they could use the two properties as one.
The group really enjoyed local walks and most said they’d like to return to Graston Farm Cottages. Where fewer people stay and don’t use all of the rooms/linen etc., we can offer a discount, making it economically possible for couples to holiday at reasonable cost.
The Nene Trekkers have been together since 1979!

We have also got some new friends on the farm, four lovely calves, which the children this week, have really enjoyed watching being fed. I introduced the Nene Trekkers to the new calves and all were entranced at how beautiful they are. The calves have adjusted to life at Graston Farm very quickly – settling in and feeding well. They are very sociable too!
With Easter approaching we are planning our Easter egg hunt. We have three cottages full for Easter and so there will be plenty of opportunities to hide and seek the eggs.