Every day at Graston Farm we feed the fish in our garden fish pond. Yesterday whilst my back was turned Cassie decided she rather liked the fishes’ food! She often gets perilously close to the edge and one day I’m sure she will loose her footing (or pawing) and fall in.
It was a beautiful day and one for spending time in the garden. We do have some little children in the cottages this week, who are a bit intrigued by Cassie, but they are too young yet, to get down and really enjoy playing with her.
Over the summer several items have been left in the cottages, and not always discovered straight away! (Note to the cleaners – please check every drawer, every week!) Displayed below are some of the precious things left by visitors – if you recognise them, let me know and I’ll post them on to you.

Super wet weather cagoole

Lovely child’s fleece and scary dinosaur, and cheeky monkey pants
We’ve loved having all of our guests this year, and hope that that they recognise these items and claim them soon.