Quite frequently when we have a big changeover day, the skies are grey and wet stuff falls from the clouds above. Not today! Clear blue skies and lovely warm sunshine, which together with a beautiful breeze means perfect drying weather.
Cassie has had such fun over the last three weeks, with a visit from James and Rebecca followed by children in most of the cottages, she has been in seventh heaven. But yesterday during the changeover she was completely stumped as to where all her new friends had gone.

However by this morning normal service was resumed, with loads of new children in the cottages and many coming to collect eggs from the chickens, offer to take her for a walk and making a general fuss of her.
We also had Kiya to stay in the house last night – with her Mum and Grandparents, and that meant lots of fun after they had eaten their breakfast. Not such a bad life!