Early April Sunshine
After one of the sunniest and driest Aprils we have ever experienced, we are keeping fingers crossed that it will continue…with just a bit of overnight rain to keep the grass growing!
Farming wise it has been a busy month with cattle being released from their winter housing to graze for the summer. The tractors have been busy spreading manure before ploughing, then power harrowing before the planting of maize which will be harvested in the autumn for winter feed.
The tree blossoms and flowers have never been so abundant, no doubt encouraged by the sun and lack of frosts.
One tip for the month is to go and see the remake of Far From The Madding Crowd, filmed not far away from here with lot’s of local farmers and tradesmen helping out with the sets/props or as extras. Another good advert for the beauty of our West Dorset Countryside!.