“Well! I don’t know what all of the fuss is about. I expect it is because it is something they call ‘changeover day’, but my humans are real mad with me!
Nearby we have a building site, where the some other humans are working on a house and garden. There the humans are always pleased to see me, and make quite a fuss of me – including letting me sit in their vans sometimes.
Well I was feeling a bit left out this morning since my little friend in Hopscotch cottage was having a ‘lie-in’ and because of the ‘changeover day’ thing all my humans were busy. So thought I’d pay my chums at the building site a little visit. One of the humans had left the door of his van open so I snuggled down for a while in the warm sunshine. Whereupon I discovered a little package of food, which he must have left for me – all nicely wrapped with cling film – Great!
I rushed home – very proud – to show Chrissie what I’d got – and she was most iffy, she was really worried that the food was intended for someone else, and kept saying she’d have to make more sandwiches to replace those I’d stolen! Stolen!

Whose lunch?!
Anyway – I’m keeping a low profile this afternoon, in my favourite place in the garden room. I don’t think Chrissie knows I’m here since she normally gets iffy with me when B&B guests are coming, she doesn’t agree that a nice light dusting of white hairs enhances the furniture!
Hey Ho! nearly supper time!

Low-profile Cassie