Cassie goes fishing!

Every day at Graston Farm we feed the fish in our garden fish pond. Yesterday whilst my back was turned Cassie decided she rather liked the fishes’ food! She often gets perilously close to the edge and one day I’m sure she will loose her footing (or pawing) and fall in. It was a beautiful […]
I’m Bored!

With the ‘season’ (thats what Andrew and Chrissie call it) drawing to a close, I’m afraid life has got a little bit boring. All of the great children who visited over the last month have gone home (some to places like Australia, New Zealand and Canada) and I only have Chrissie and Andrew to play […]
Changeover day ……………Sunshine!

Quite frequently when we have a big changeover day, the skies are grey and wet stuff falls from the clouds above. Not today! Clear blue skies and lovely warm sunshine, which together with a beautiful breeze means perfect drying weather. Cassie has had such fun over the last three weeks, with a visit from James […]

“Well! I don’t know what all of the fuss is about. I expect it is because it is something they call ‘changeover day’, but my humans are real mad with me! Nearby we have a building site, where the some other humans are working on a house and garden. There the humans are always pleased […]
Lately we have had the greatest artists staying at Graston Farm

Just lately we have had a real influx of lovely pictures drawn for us by our guests’ children. The latest family, who were visiting from Sweden drew these lovely pictures after helping Andrew feed the lambs and calves every day of their stay. They also collected eggs every morning from the hens and were just great to have around.
Oxeye daisies on the breakfast table

When I’m laying the table for my breakfast guests I love to wander out into the lanes on the farm and pick fresh country flowers for the table. This morning my guests came down to red campion, oxeye daisies, and buttercups. This weekend at Graston Farm we have welcomed thee families into the cottages, three […]
Feeding the lambs

We are just about at the end of the season for feeding lambs although our little flock are still here on the farm. Recently Arthur and William came to stay with their parents and grandma, and helped Andrew with feeding. They also helped us to give the lambs names! Billie, Bobbie, Bernie and Belle. So […]
……..And they’re off!

……..And they are off! We have started to work in partnership with Jurassic Electric, who offer electric bike rides in the area. Today our first tour left Graston Farm to explore the Bride Valley. As an electric bike rider myself – I’m a great fan of this form of transport. The hills just melt away, […]
Such a lovely late spring/early summer day

Cassie and I have been walking before lunch and had the most lovely time. The meadow flowers are so vibrant and plentiful, and there are loads of butterflies down by the riverside. The pheasants are everywhere and we detect a new brood by the silage pit on the farm. Also ducks are protecting ducklings on […]
Breakfast at Graston Farm

If you come to Graston Farm and take the Bed and Breakfast option, you are guaranteed a really hearty breakfast. We always have fresh fruit and yoghurt, cereals and toast, croissants and jam. Then comes the show stopper! Full english breakfast, or something lighter if you prefer, but always eggs from our own chickens! Having […]